CBD: The next Super Nutrient
"CBD... isn't that like weed or something?"
You've probably heard someone say this at least once, or maybe you've even said it yourself. Not to worry, though. Although common, that question doesn't make any logical sense... And I want to explain why.
In this blog, I'll break down:
- What is CBD exactly? (with a super easy-to-understand analogy.)
- How CBD works and what makes it so special.
- The three different kinds of CBD supplements.
- The main things to look for before purchasing CBD.
So let's get started.
What is CBD exactly?
First things first, CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid.
Cannabinoids are the naturally occurring nutrients that form inside the flower of hemp/cannabis plants. CBD is one of the two major cannabinoids found in high concentrations inside cannabis. The other major cannabinoid is THC, which you've probably heard of.
THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol delta-9, is the cannabinoid that gets people high and is the only cannabinoid out of the 100 or so that makes cannabis a schedule 1 controlled substance. Schedule 1 controlled substances are categorized as "being dangerous, addictive, and offering no medicinal value." Strange, seeing that the US government has had a medical patent on cannabis since 2003. Look up Patent No. 6,630,507.
That's neither here nor there, though... Back to CBD
CBD has exploded onto the scene over the last decade as a natural therapeutic supplement showing promising results in the fights against pain, inflammation, insomnia, mental health issues, and more. Yet still, most people aren't really sure what it is or what it's good for; hence the "...isn't that like weed or something?" statement.
So here is a super easy way to understand what CBD is (along with other cannabinoids)
First, we must understand that comparing CBD to weed is like comparing vitamin C to an apple. Let me explain:
You would never say vitamin C is an apple, or fruit for that matter.
Vitamin C is IN an apple.
It's a nutrient INSIDE of the apple, but it is NOT the apple itself.
So with that in mind, CBD is a nutrient INSIDE cannabis. It is NOT cannabis itself. Therefore CBD is NOT weed. CBD and all other cannabinoids are the nutrients that form inside the flowers or buds of the plant, known as cannabis sativa L.
"CBD is a nutrient INSIDE cannabis. It is NOT cannabis itself."
Apples contain nutrients in the form of vitamins. Cannabis contains nutrients in the form of cannabinoids like CBD. Cannabinoids are very similar to vitamins in the way that they work to make us healthier; primarily behind the scenes, without causing psychoactive effects (minus THC, of course)

Vitamins and cannabinoids like CBD are both nutrients that our bodies require to be in a peak healthy state. However, CBD is like a Super Vitamin.
We'll break that down in the next part.
How does CBD work, and what makes it so special?
Inside every human (and animal) exists a fundamentally important system called the Endocannabinoid System, or ECS. The ECS acts like an "umbrella system" that helps maintain and manage important functions like energy, pleasure, and well-being while also helping to heal the body back into a state of homeostasis when faced with injury and disease.
It does this vital work through its two main receptors–the CB1 and CB2 receptors which are found almost everywhere throughout the body. "Endocannabinoid receptors influence, modulate or regulate the function of each of the cells, tissues, glands, organs, and systems in which they are contained." (source)
How CBD interacts with the ECS is still a bit misunderstood and complicated. For now, it's thought to indirectly regulate the breakdown of an important endocannabinoid within the body called anandamide, or AEA. When more AEA is present within the body, the CB1 and CB2 receptors are better activated, providing more significant homeostatic benefit to the body and mind as a whole.
Now, the reason that CBD should be thought of as a Super Vitamin, or Super Nutrient for that matter, is because of its seamless interaction with the ECS, which again plays such a dramatic role in regulating our health and wellness. Out of anything available in the vitamin and supplement world, CBD and cannabinoids can take the cake. There isn't much that can affect such a wide range of positive benefits in the human body without causing downside adverse side effects in the same way cannabinoids can.
"the reason that CBD should be thought of as a Super Vitamin, or Super Nutrient for that matter, is because of its seamless interaction with the ECS"
The three different kinds of CBD
Here I want to explain the three different types of CBD supplements available on the market: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate.
Full-spectrum CBD is made using a full-plant extract, including as many cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes as possible that are present within the raw plant material during processing. Full-spectrum CBD is dense with all those plant nutrients and creates what is called the Entourage Effect due to all the cannabinoids and other plant nutrients working together synergistically, making it more potent.
Returning to the cannabis-to-apple analogy, full-spectrum CBD could be compared to apple cider or apple sauce, which is minimally processed. **It's important to note that FS CBD supplements may contain trace amounts of THC up to .3%. If used daily, those trace amounts of THC can build up in a person's system to the point of being detected by drug tests. If THC or drug tests are a concern, you should avoid full-spectrum supplements just to be safe.
Broad-spectrum CBD supplements are similar to full-spectrum supplements but have one key difference. All the THC is filtered out. These products would be more like apple juice which is a little more processed than cider. They've been filtered but still contain most of the nutrients.
Broad-spectrum CBD is an excellent option for people looking for the more potent entourage-like effects of full-spectrum supplements but is safe to take if THC is a concern. Always check the third-party test results to be sure, though!
Last but certainly not least is CBD isolate. CBD isolate is an orderless, flavorless powder that is 99.9% pure CBD molecule and nothing else. Cannabinoids like CBD can be extracted from cannabis flowers as individual nutrients referred to as isolates–this is where we get down to the Vitamin C-to-CBD reference. If a processor were to take just the vitamin c out of the apple, they would be isolating that vitamin c in its purest form. From there, they could sell it as is or as an additive for other consumable products.
CBD isolate is the most common form of CBD supplements because it is easy to mix into just about anything. Full-spectrum and broad-spectrum extracts can also be mixed into many products as well, but for ease of doing so and better taste profile, CBD isolate takes the cake. CBD isolate is a good option for people who are more sensitive to taste due to its odorless and flavorless properties. The isolate powder can be combined with any desired flavor to create a more palatable experience for the end user. And, of course, it's safe to use for anyone who may be subject to drug testing.
What should you look for before purchasing CBD?
Choosing what CBD brand and supplements to use can be overwhelming, to say the least, especially if you're brand new to the space. Thankfully there are a few key things to look for that can make choosing easier.
For starters, look for brands that make their supplements in a licensed facility (preferably FDA registered and cGMP compliant) and have third-party test results readily displayed and accessible on their website.
Once those two boxes have been checked, ensure the supplements have sufficient levels of CBD or other cannabinoids. Many products on the market contain low levels of cannabinoids which makes them largely ineffective. A good rule of thumb is a minimum of 20mg of CBD per serving. Products that offer only 5-10mg per serving of CBD aren't worth the money and typically leave users disappointed with the impression that CBD doesn't work.
CBD works; you just need to take enough of it. 20mg+ per serving is what to look for.
"A good rule of thumb is a minimum of 20mg of CBD per serving. Products that offer only 5-10mg per serving of CBD aren't worth the money and typically leave users disappointed with the impression that CBD doesn't work."
Next, look for supplements that offer more than just CBD and combine cannabinoids with added beneficial nutrients. CBD is amazing on its own, but some companies take it a few steps further and combine these cannabinoids with other natural ingredients that can enhance their benefits even more. Henotic Hemp offers supplements like this, and they are some of the best on the market for increased focus, mental clarity, sounder sleep, immune system support, and pain support.
Finally, look at the prices. Many, many brands ask insane prices for their CBD products, and it simply doesn't have to be that way. Some charge upwards of $100+ for 1000mg of CBD–this is way too much and a total rip-off. $25 or less per 1000mg should be what you aim to find. There are many very high-quality CBD supplements on the market that are effective AND affordable.
CBD is NOT weed or something. It's a powerful nutrient that we are just beginning to understand. As I've shown here, cannabinoids are nutrients in the same way vitamins are, and when used in the right way, CBD can offer unparalleled health benefits.
The same goes for our understanding of the Endocannabinoid system. The surface of what this incredible system ultimately does for the human body has barely been scratched. A survey showed that less than 15% of medical universities cover the ECS in their curriculums. (source) Times are changing, though, and mainstream medicine will only be able to ignore the science for so long.
In the meantime, ensure you're getting the right CBD supplements for your needs and budget. Be sure only to use supplements that are tested and certified and meet that threshold of effective dosage. (20mg+ per serving)
Cannabinoids like CBD can play a crucial role in optimizing the highest levels of health when combined with other practices like exercise, meditation, and healthy nutrition.
Good health is the foundation of a good life, so if you haven't yet, why not consider adding the Super Nutrient that is CBD into your health and wellness routine?
Have more questions?
Reach out to Josh at his email josh@henotichemp.com. He's always more than happy to answer any questions related to cannabinoids!
About the Author
Josh Whitney is the founder of Henotic Hemp, a Michigan-native performance CBD brand. Josh struggled with drug addiction through most of his 20s and overcame his addictions largely because of CBD. Henotic Hemp is his way of trying to help others like him find better health, connection, and balance in an out-of-balance world.